MDBF Webinarları – Tayyip Topuz
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültemizin düzenlediği webinar serisi kapsamında 15 Nisan saat 14.00’te Tayyip Topuz, “Location-Allocation Through Machine Learning For E-Commerce Logistic Services” başlıklı bir sunum yapacak.
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Özet: Companies desire to expand their businesses in such a way that there will not be any loss in their revenues. An e-commerce logistics company functions as the distribution and delivery of goods to buyers. To expand the business, opening new branches is a critical decision since determining the location of a branch correctly will not only help an e-commerce logistics company to increase its revenue but also improve customer satisfaction. The logistic network, which is based on locations, is the most vital input for their business. For such decisions, data science is becoming an essential tool in recent years. Research shows that demographic information has a considerable impact on consumer behavior in e-commerce. The demand potential is studied by using demographic data and the current demand for an e-commerce logistics company. The outcome of this work can be used to determine the location of new branches. Machine learning techniques are being used to decide the location of a new branch with the help of delivery demand potential prediction.
Konuşmacı Hakkında: Tayyip Topuz graduated from Kadir Has University Computer Engineering in third place. The thesis titled “Geo-Social Case Analysis” was selected as the second-best project by Kadir Has University Computer Engineering Department. After completing his bachelor’s degree, he started his master’s degree in Computer Engineering at Kadir Has University. While studying master’s degree, he starts working as a lecturer in the KHAS Core Department at Kadir Has University. He graduated with his master’s degree in the study of machine learning.